My Adventure in Box, the ONAK – by Joao

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The ONAK has given me a total sense of freedom when it comes to going on mini adventure trips. Know I can just fold/ unfold and enjoy city trips, while opening the door to other more adventurous trips. 

From a very young age I’ve always loved traveling and getting away on adventure trips, we’re not talking about epic stuff like impressive mountain climbing or long exploration expeditions, just getting away sometimes, small stuff.

At the moment I live in Ghent, it’s called the Venice of the north because of the many interconnecting channels and rivers running around and thru the city and one dream I’ve always had, since I moved here, was to freely and slowly explore the fantastic rivers of this trendy city. But for some reason this has always been put off. It always seemed like a huge hassle.

Indeed there are several options available like tourist boats, renting or borrowing a canoe from a friend but all of these options have their limitations and don’t have that feeling of my very own adventure. I want to be able to go wherever I like at any time and at my very own pace.

Recently, and totally by chance, I came across this simple but brilliant idea. I saw a foldable canoe floating down the river and all of a sudden it all made sense…. I could not only explore this city in an amazing way, but I could also take small adventure trips all over the place, and yes, I do mean even all over the world. I can actually take it on a plane as standard luggage, brilliant!

The ONAK, by the way a brilliant play of words from the Ghent based inventors, which is canoe written backwards in Dutch. Simple is always good! This has been hands down one of my best investments for 2018. Personally I call it my adventure box!

The ONAK has given me a total sense of freedom when it comes to going on mini adventure trips. Know I can just fold/ unfold and enjoy city trips, while opening the door to other more adventurous trips. So far I’ve only done two trips with it: exploring the rivers in Ghent with my girl and an amazing camping weekend trip with a good buddy. Hands down no regrets and I look forward to enjoying some more adventures in the near future.

Discover our sightseeing adventure in Gent and our camping trip with the ONAK on Youtube

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